Project Guide
This guide is an evolving document. Please refer to the release notes at the end of the page for more information on the updates.
Your application must have a GUI, a database, API data source(optional), a middle layer connecting your UI to your data. The code should be built within Docker containers so they are portable. Make sure to consider these core requirements when designing the architecture of your application. You are required to use the technology stack that you have learned in this course. If you would like clarifications, please ask your instructor/TA.
Features in your application
Your application MUST have the following features:
- A login page
- A registration page
- A home page
- A server that allows the UI to communicate with the database
- A database that stores user information
- Passwords must be hashed and stored in the database
- Session Management - The user must be able to log in and out of the application and the session must be maintained
- Application is built within Docker containers - you can find some updates to the docker-compose.yaml in the write-up below.
Some recommended features:
- A UI that allows the user to interact with the application - this can comprise of multiple pages
- These would be specific to the application you are building
- A profile page (where the user can see their information - optional)
- A superuser/admin account that can manage users (optional)
- A database that stores user data (optional)
- The purpose would be to store user's activity to be recovered when the user logs back in
- A database that stores data from an API (optional) - if you are requesting repeat data from the API with every call, you could cache some data in your database.
Recommended Directory Structure
For the Project root directory, you should have the following outline:
│ ├─ TeamMeetingLogs
│ ├─ MilestoneSubmissions
| ├─ ProjectSourceCode
│ ├─
Refer to Lab 9 for the contents of the "TeamMeetingLogs" and "MilestoneSubmissions" folder.
In the ProjectSourceCode
folder in your Github repository for the project, you should have the following structure:
It is essential to include a .gitignore file in your project git repository to avoid tracking build artifacts like node_modules, package-lock.json etc.
├─ ProjectSourceCode
| ├─ docker-compose.yaml
| ├─ .gitignore
| ├─ node_modules
| ├─ package.json
| ├─ src
| ├─ views
| ├─ pages
| ├─ home.hbs
| ├─ login.hbs
| ├─ register.hbs
| ├─ partials
| ├─ header.hbs
| ├─ footer.hbs
| ├─ layouts
| ├─ main.hbs
| ├─ resources
| ├─ css
| ├─ style.css
| ├─ js
| ├─ script.js
| ├─ img
| ├─ home.png
| ├─ index.js
| ├─ init_data
| ├─ create.sql
| ├─ insert.sql
| ├─ test
| ├─ server.spec.js
Docker Setup
For the most part, your project will have the same configuration of Docker Containers as the lab assignments. The docker-compose.yaml file should be in the root directory of your project. The docker-compose.yaml file would look like it is shown below. You can make necessary changes to it.
version: '3.9'
image: postgres:14
env_file: .env
- '5432'
- group-project:/var/lib/postgresql/data
- ./src/init_data:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
image: node:lts
user: 'node'
working_dir: /repository
env_file: .env
- NODE_ENV=development
- db
- '3000:3000'
- ./:/repository
command: 'npm start'
Project code
You are permitted to reuse any code that was created by any of the team members for the labs in this class. You are also allowed to include code snippets from the provided source code for the labs. All other code should have been originally written by the team members for this project. You may refer to documentation where necessary.
To be able to use local resources that you have created, like css, js, images etc. in your project you will need to add the following line of code, after all the require statements, in the index.js
file. Please do not include it within a route.
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/'));
Once you have added the above line of code, you can use relative paths to link the files.
Project Management
You are expected to continually update your GitHub project board with the progress of your project. You should be adding user stories for each week and their status should be updated as they move along the development lifecycle. Make sure to assign them to team members so it is easier to track individual progress for the members. Refer to Lab 2 for more information on how to use the GitHub project board and for creating and including relevant properties for the user stories.
Branching on GitHub repository for Development
You are expected to create a new branch for each user story that you are working on. You should not be working on the main branch. You should be working on a separate branch for each feature. Once you are done with the feature, you should ideally create a pull request to merge the feature branch into the main branch. The pull request should preferably be reviewed by at least one other team member before it is merged into the main branch to ensure that the code is working as expected.
How do you create a branch for a user story/issue? Let's check it out
The should include the following:
- Brief Application description
- Contributors - In this case, it will be the team Members
- Technology Stack used for the project
- Prerequisites to run the application - Any software that needs to be installed to run the application
- Instructions on how to run the application locally.
- How to run the tests
- Link to the deployed application
You should be updating the file as you progress through the project. Remember to add/revise sections as you add new features to the application.
Read this freeCodeCamp article for guidance on writing a quality
This GitHub repository has good examples of
Automated Test Cases
In Lab 11 you will learn how to test your server endpoints. For the project you will need to test at least 1 additional endpoint, that returns data to the client.
Deployment Environment
As part of Lab 13, you will be hosting your application. We will teach you how to host your application on Render. Please make sure to keep your website active on there for your presentations and until grading is completed for this semester.
GitHub Project Board
- In Lab 10, you will create a GitHub project board and link it to the repository you create for this project. The practices you learnt in Lab 2 will be applied in creating and maintaining the board.
- Make sure that the project board is also public since it will be required for grading.
- The board should contain at least 4 columns depicting the stages of development.
- Start by creating a few Epics for the project.
- You will continue adding user stories to the current backlog as you keep advancing through the weeks.
Your board will be monitored by your TA, each week, and you are required to regularly update it as your project progresses.
Weekly Meetings with TA
Each project team is required to meet with their TA at least once a week for ~15 mins. You will be required to submit a weekly update to your TA. All team members MUST be present during the TA meeting.
The weekly meetings are meant to be for status update and to make sure you are on track with your project. You should answering the following questions:
- what have you done since the last meeting?
- what are you planning to do until the next meeting?
- what are the challenges you are facing?
If you need help debugging your code or need your TA to take a closer look at your architecture, you can use office hours for that.
Deliverables for the weekly meeting
Before coming to the meeting, you should have the following in your GitHub repository:
- Consistent commits during the week
- You should be committing your code your feature branch of your repository at least once a day.
- The commit messages should be descriptive of the changes introduced. This resource should be helpful.
- Your commits should be meaningful - Refer to this resource for more information.
- Update your GitHub repository with the latest code.
- Every team member should have pushed their code to the remote branch of the repository
- The code should be merged into the main branch of the repository and tested before presenting it to your TA.
- The features should be fully functional.
- The scope of the features can be determined by the team.
- Update the status of user stories on the GitHub project board.
- Release notes: A list of updates you have made since the last meeting. This should be in the
Milestone Submissions
folder.- Here is are some links that help you write release notes:
- Plan for the following week:
- What are the features you are planning to implement?
- To make it manageable, you can create an issue with a checklist on the GitHub project board. Here is how you can do that. The checklist should link to the user stories(tracked in GitHub issues) that you intend to work on.
Minutes of the meeting
For each meeting, you will assign a scribe from your team. It is recommended that different members take on this role each week. The scribe will be responsible for taking notes during the meeting and updating the document on the project repository. Points to include in the minutes would be:
- Decisions made
- Alternative actions/options discussed
- Follow-up items, including agreed-on roles and responsibilities You may or may not have content for each of the points above.
The minutes should be updated on the project repository at the end of the meeting.
Rubric For weekly deliverables and TA meeting
You will be incrementally graded over the weeks based on the practices used and the progress made on the project. While most of the grading will be for the team effort we are also going to be assessing individual contributions to ensure fairness in grading.
Each week, the TA will use the following rubric to assign points to the team members:
Criteria | Points |
Attendance at weekly meeting with TA | 5 |
Consistent commits during the week (commits on at least 3 days of the week) | 5 |
Update the status of user stories on the GitHub project board | 5 |
Update your GitHub repository with the latest code | 5 |
Release notes | 5 |
Functional code in presentation | 10 |
Plan for the following week | 5 |
Minutes of the meeting | 5 |
Individual contribution - meaningful commits | 5 |
Total | 50 |
Recommended Breakdown of the project over the 4 weeks
This is a recommended breakdown of tasks for the project. You can modify it to fit your team's needs. You should be able to complete the project in 4 weeks. You can use the following checkpoints to make sure you are on track. You can also work vertically across these themes each week - this means you can work on multiple themes in parallel.
User Interfaces
In Lab 9, you will have a chance to work on the wireframes for your application. You should have an outline of the UI pages you intend to use in the application. You may implement your pages incrementally as part of individual features as you progress through the weeks.
Database and APIs
You should have a database design for your application and have implemented the database. This design will include all the tables, the columns in each, and their data types. Make sure to identify the necessary keys and set the appropriate constraints on the columns in the tables. You will be including this design in the final project report.
External Web APIs
If you intend to use an external API, you should have a plan for how you will use it. You should have a list of the endpoints you intend to use and the data you intend to retrieve from the API. You should also have a plan for how you will store the data in your database, how you will update the data in your database, and how you will handle the rate limits of the API.
If you choose to work with an external API, please make sure to dump the response data from the desired endpoints into either a json file or into your database. This will be crucial in the following scenarios:
- API stops working
- You are offline
- API becomes a paid service
- You've exhausted the rate limit
If you do not know how to do a data dump, please work with a course staff to get that done. This additional step can save you from needing to pivot your project idea or have a non-functional project at the end of the semester.
Application server
At the latest, in this week you should have your server implemented. Your UI should be able to communicate with the Database. You should be able to perform CRUD operations on the database.
As part of Lab 11, you will create a Test Plan for user testing your application. You will be required to execute that test plan to test your application present your findings in the final project report. The findings should include the following:
Test Cases
A description of the use cases being tested. You should be testing a minimum of 4 use cases. The audience for this activity should be someone outside of your team and preferably the class to receive objective feedback. If you are building an application in a specialized domain, you should be testing it with someone who is familiar with that domain.
When the users are interacting with your application, you should be observing their actions. You should be taking notes of the following:
- What are the users doing?
- What is the user's reasoning for their actions?
- Is their behavior consistent with the use case?
- If there is a deviation from the expected actions, what is the reason for that?
- Did you use that to make changes to your application? If so, what changes did you make?
Extra credit
This is an opportunity to collaborate with students enrolled in CSCI 3403. They will run tests on your project to identify security vulnerabilities and report back with their findings.
You can receive 10% extra credit on your group project. To qualify your project for this you must:
Complete your project by Nov 30th, 11:59 p.m.
Submit your project for this collaboration by filling out this google form.
You need to ensure that:
a. your code is well documented,
b. fully functional on main (without broken features),
c. is built the way as described in this project guide, and
d. your repository is organized in the directory structure provided above in this guide.
You may continue to add stretch goal features to your project after this date.
Projects not meeting the above requirements will NOT receive extra credit even if they are submitted on the form.
Final Presentations
Each team will conduct a live presentation of their project in front of other students, TAs and the instructor in-person. Your team will present the project work during the Week 15 lecture time or lab recitation times. The slots will be made available on Canvas in week 13.
Teams will sign up on Canvas for their chosen presentation date/time. You need to select a time during your recitation period. If a time is not available during your recitation, you can sign up during a lecture time. Each presentation requires ALL team members to be present. If an individual on the team is not present for the presentation, then they will receive a zero for the presentation requirement of the project. If you cannot make it to the presentation, you need to email the TA or instructor before the scheduled presentation.
Content for Presentation
Each team member MUST present some aspect of the project during the presentation. Each team will target 10 minutes for their presentation (no more; no less please.) followed by 5 mins of Q&A. You should present the following items in whatever creative way you wish. At the least, you are expected to have a powerpoint presentation including all the information mentioned below.
Title of the project
Names of each person in the group
Description of the project
- Think of this as an elevator pitch to sell your product. Alternatively, you could explain your vision.
All the tools your group used
- Name of the tool, logo, and purpose (e.g., Project Tracking, VCS)
- Your group’s rating on how useful/good this tool/methodology was (ranked 1..5 where 5 stars is best and 1 star is useless)
- Methodologies (Iterative, agile, pair programming, peer code reviews, other…)
Expected tools
- Project Tracker (Trello, Asana, or similar)
- VCS repository (GitHub)
- Database (PostgreSQL)
- IDE (e.g. Eclipse, Code::Blocks, xCode.)
- UI Tools (e.g. Wireframing tools, HTML, HandleBars etc)
- Application Server (NodeJS)
- Deployment environment (Render)
- External APIs (e.g. Google Maps, Twitter etc.)
- Testing tool (Mocha, Chai, Jest) -
- Auto-documenter (optional. Doxygen or similar) - if applicable
- Additional tools you may have used - if applicable
- Framework (Express in Node)
- Hardware (e.g. RaspberryPi, Arduino) if applicable
Architecture Diagram
- This diagram should include a detailed diagram depcting the architecture used for your application and the flow of data across the different parts of the architecture. Please find below a sample architecture diagram. Tailor it to specifically suit your project. It must include the tools you used for each layer of the architecture. Make sure to list the names of the external APIs(if any) as well.
- List the challenges you encountered, and how you overcame them and how it may have affected your original project plans.
Future Scope/Enhancements
- If you were to continue working on this project, what are the key features you would consider integrating to increase its value or applicability in the real world? List at least 3 enhancements.
Demo your project
- This must be a live working demo. (We highly recommend practicing this demo beforehand.) As a backup, you could record a demo of your project to use during the presentation in case you run into issues with a live demo.
Because you have a limited amount of time to present, make use of images – remember, a picture is worth a thousand words! Designing good pictures/infographics can really enhance a presentation!
You can show a picture of your repository or project tracker, etc. to show how you made use of the tools. Be sure to use a legible font for all text so everyone can read it.
Run the presentation by your TA to see if you have everything you need.
You can carry brief notes on the topics you want to present. However, plan to use them only as a helper rather than reading from them.
- Create a single PDF for the team
- This submission should be a PDF named ProjectPresentation_[TeamNumber] included in your git repository. This document should be a PDF version of your slides.
- Submit a text file on Canvas with a link to the PDF. Latest due by Dec 6, 11:59 p.m. No submission on Canvas will result in a 0 for the milestone.
- This milestone will be graded based on the quality of the content during presentation. You are expected to cover all the requirements listed above. It is advisable that each team invests some time in creating the slide deck and (an hour or so) in rehearsing the presentation. You are presenting your effort of 4 weeks here. Choose to tell the story of your project development experience as succinctly as possible. We look forward to seeing your project demos.
Rubric for Project Presentation
Criteria | Details | Points |
Presentation | Member Introductions, Clear Description of App, its purpose, its user base. Good flow of slides with Logical structure of slides. Professionally presented. Well-rehearsed. 10 minutes. | 5 |
Challenges | Describe challenges they faced and how they overcame them. | 5 |
Creativity | How clever, interesting, Is the App idea? How artistic and compelling are the App screens? | 5 |
Architecture diagram | Describe the tools at each layer of the architecture appropriately. | 5 |
Future Scope | Prioritization of the project requirements. What is the potential for growing the App? | 5 |
Technical Details | Software Stack / Development Tools named and rated(Programming languages, tools) Project Management (style, philosophy, collaboration tools, use of PM tools, communications, Regular meetings) | 10 |
Product Demo | Demo: Live? Does the software really work? | 15 |
TOTAL | 50 |
Peer Evaluation Survey
Note: This is a graded survey and accounts for a significant portion of your grade. There is NO replacement assignment or late submissions allowed for this survey.
- The results of this survey will be used by the instructional staff to calculate grades for the Group project.
- This survey tool allows us to determine the level of participation of each team member. Team members who contributed little to the finished application will see a reduction in their overall score for the project.
- To complete the survey, you must enter your project team number. Your team number consists of your recitation section number plus a digit to identify your team. For example, "101-1". If you do not know your team number, please ask your TA prior to taking the survey.
- You are encouraged to be objective when reviewing your peers' contributions.
- The link to the survey will be provided on Canvas in Week 15 and will be due on Dec 9 at 11:59 p.m. The survey will close after that.
Project Report
This will be graded based on the amount of effort, the success of the overall project, and use of tools and methodologies throughout project.
You must deploy your project and store your project source code, test cases (UAT), and all relevant project documentation in the project Git repository.
Create a PDF named ProjectReport_[TeamNumber].pdf where team number is the one provided to you on Canvas. Please make sure that your report does not exceed 8-10 pages. The pdf document must contain the following in the order provided:
Content in report
Title: of the project
Who: Name of each person in the group
Project Description: A 200 word summary of the project
Project Tracker - GitHub project board:
- Link to your Project Tracker (for instructor & TAs)
- Screenshot showing your project in your project tracker
Video: 5 minute or less video demonstrating your project. Your audience is a potential customer or person interested in using your product.
VCS: Link to your git Repository. Instructor/TAs will check, weekly, to ensure the following are stored in your VCS repository:
- Source Code
- Test Cases
- Video demo
- in GitHub
- Project documentation
- Project Board
- A brief (not more than 100 words) from each team member about their contributions.
- This should include the technologies worked on
- Features that have contributed to
- You can also include:
- A screenshot of the project Board
- A screenshot of the contributions on GitHub
- A brief (not more than 100 words) from each team member about their contributions.
Use Case Diagram: You need to include a use case diagram for your project. You can build on the use case diagram you created in the proposal. If you built a complete use case diagram for the proposal, you can include it as is.
Wireframes You must include all the wireframes that were created for the project. It is expected that you have at least one for each page. They can be photographs of hand-drawn images.
Test results: In Lab 11, you created a Test Plan. You need to include the test results and observations in the project report. Refer to this for more information
Deployment: Link to deployment environment or a written description of how the app was deployed and how one might access/run the app. The app must be live, working, and accessible to your TA.
Be sure to:
- Tag your repo with "Final Submission" (make sure to push your tag to your repo) before your presentation. You can use that for the demo.
- Create a single PDF for the team
- This submission should be a PDF named ProjectReport_[TeamNumber] included in your github repository by Dec 9 at 11:59 p.m.
- Submit a github link to the report on Canvas.
Rubric for project report
Criteria | Details | Points |
Title | Has a well thought out and relevant title | 5 |
Member Details | Individual member names and GitHub user names are included | 5 |
Project Description | A succint description of the key features and usability in under 200 words | 5 |
Version Control | Project Report contains a link to the project repository and the repository organized as per instructions | 5 |
Github Project Board | Link to the GitHub project board is included. User stories were created and appropriately tracked on the project board. | 10 |
Video | Link to demo video is included | 5 |
Contributions | Individual contributions are listed | 5 |
Wireframes | Wireframes detailing the contents of each page of the application | 10 |
Use Case Diagram | Detailed use case diagram showing features | 10 |
Test Plan Observations | Report contains your observations from User Acceptance Testing the scenarios listed in Lab 11 | 10 |
Source Code | All your code is correctly tagged in the repository. | 10 | | Has a description of the project, information about the directory structure, instructions on how to run the project, link (if any) to deployed application | 10 |
TOTAL | 90 |
Grade breakdown for the entire project
The total points for your project will be distributed as follows:
Criteria | Points |
Project Idea Google form | 10 |
Week 1 group contribution | 35 |
Week 1 individual contribution | 15 |
Week 2 group contribution | 35 |
Week 2 individual contribution | 15 |
Week 3 group contribution | 35 |
Week 3 individual contribution | 15 |
Week 4 group contribution | 35 |
Week 4 individual contribution | 15 |
Project Presentation | 50 |
Project Report | 90 |
Peer Evaluation Points | 50 |
TOTAL | 400 |
Extra Credit | 40 |
Release Notes
Please refer to this section for a list of any changes that have been made post the release of this guide.
- 10/31/2024
- Updated the list of tools that can be used in the project