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Lab 6: Application Server


In this lab, you will be learning about building and working with application servers. We will be using NodeJS and Postgres to for this purpose.

To receive credit for this lab, you MUST show your work to the TA during the lab, and push to the github by the deadline. Please note that submissions will be due right before your respective lab sessions in the following week. For Example, If your lab is on this Friday 10 AM, the submission deadline will be next Friday 10 AM. There is a "NO LATE SUBMISSIONS" policy for labs.

Learning Objectives

L01. Understand the basics of client server systems
L02. Learn how NodeJS is used for building web applications
L03. Implement database queries with NodeJS and PostgreSQL
L04. Develop proficiency in using Postman for API testing

Part A

Pre-Lab Quiz

Complete this Pre-Lab quiz on Canvas before your section's lab.

Part B

Clone your GitHub repository

You need to accept the invite to the GitHub classroom assignment to get a repository.

Github Classroom Assignment
For the next two steps, make sure to edit the name of the repository after the copying the command into your terminal.
git clone<YOUR_USER_NAME>.git

Navigate to the repository on your system.

cd lab-6-application-server-<YOUR_USER_NAME>

Directory structure

For this lab, your directory structure should be as follows:


API Routes

We can use HTTP Requests to send/retrieve data to/from our server.

HTTP Requests are made by a client (e.g. your web browser) in order to access some resource on the server. In order to do so, the client specifies:

  • A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) -- For example: “/register”
  • A series of HTTP headers
  • Optionally, a request body

The server can accept this request and send a response, which may consist of a web page (HTML/CSS/JS), or a JSON object. You need to specify the nature of the content in the HTTP header of the response.



Given that we will be using NodeJS to set up our application server, we will now learn more about NodeJS and set up a server with routes for various operations.


package.json is a crucial configuration file in a Node.js project that defines metadata, dependencies, scripts, and project settings. It ensures consistency across environments and simplifies package management.

Find more information on package.json - here


Express is a NodeJS framework that allows us to build web applications and APIs by defining HTTP routes and their callback functions(also called 'handler functions'). The application “listens” for requests that match the specified route(s) and method(s), and when it detects a match, it calls the specified callback function.

Following is an example of a basic route.



Explore the package.json file provided to you and you will notice that there are dependencies that are declared. These dependencies vary based on the project at hand and the libraries that are needed for it.

These dependencies are installed when the node project is set up. You may use the npm install command to download these dependencies. The node_modules/ directory is where Node.js stores all the dependencies installed via npm (Node Package Manager) or yarn. It contains the actual code for the libraries and packages specified in package.json.

It is important that this folder not be manually modified as it may mess with other dependencies.


A .gitignore file is used in Git to specify files and directories that should be ignored by version control. This helps prevent unnecessary files, such as compiled binaries, temporary files, or sensitive data, from being tracked and committed to a repository. The .gitignore file follows a pattern-matching syntax, allowing users to exclude files based on specific rules.

In the context of Node .gitignore helps avoid tracking dependencies (node_modules/) that can be large, vary by environment and can be restored quickly by running the npm install command on a developer machine.

You can read more about it in the git-scm documentation

Reading input data in API routes in Node


Generally used in POST/PUT requests. Use it when you want to send sensitive data(eg. form data) or lengthy JSON data to the server.

Example that works with request.body


These are properties attached to the url i.e named route parameters. You prefix the parameter name with a colon(:) when writing your routes.

Example that works with request.params


It is mostly used for searching, sorting, filtering, pagination, etc. Say for instance you want to query an API but only want to get data from page 10, this is what you'd generally use. It is appended to the request URL as <key> = <value>.

Example that works with request.query

Querying the Database from a Node server

We will use aync/await, in place of promises, to run queries on the Postgres database set up for this lab. Here is the article you read for the quiz in case you need a refresher on the concepts of async/await and promises.

There are several packages within Node that allow you to connect to the different types of database management systems like Postgres, MySQL, MongoDB etc.

Since we are working with Postgres in this course, we will be using the pg-promise library.

Before we can query the database, we need to establish a connection with it. So we'll start with defining a configuration object that provides the node server the metadata about the database.

Connection Object

const dbConfig = {
host: 'db', //location of where the postgres db is runnning
port: 5432, //network port to access the postgres service
database: process.env.POSTGRES_DB, //name of the database
user: process.env.POSTGRES_USER, // credentials to access the database
password: process.env.POSTGRES_PASSWORD, // credentials to access the database

The next step is to instantiate an object of the pg-promise library and pass it the connection object to initialize it.

let db = pgp(dbConfig);

Now that we have the db object, we are ready to make calls to the database. There are several methods of the db object that can be used depending on, either, the number of queries to be executed or the output of the queries. We'll look at some of the commonly used ones.

Arrow functions

You will notice, in the examples below, that we are using arrow functions, () => {}, to declare functions instead of function(){}. This is the ES6 standard for function notation. You can read more about that in the documentation.

best practices with try catch

Always use try/catch when using await to prevent unhandled promise rejections.

When you expect the database query to return ONLY one row, you can use the method of the pg-promise library in Node. If the query returns more than one row, it will throw an error.


app.get('/routeName', async (req, res) => {
var query = `SELECT * FROM userInfo WHERE user_id = ${req.query.userid};`;

try {
let results = await;
data: results,
} catch (err) {
error: err,


When you expect any number of rows to be returned for the query in execution, you can use db.any().


app.get('/routeName', async (req, res) => {
var query = `SELECT * FROM userInfo;`;

try {
let results = await db.any(query);
data: results,
} catch (err) {
error: err,


When you would like to execute multiple queries in the same operation, you can use db.task()


app.get('/routeName', async (req, res) => {
var username = req.query.username;
var city =;

// Multiple queries using templated strings
var current_user = `select * from userinfo where username = '${username}';`;
var city_users = `select * from userinfo where city = '${city}';`;

try {
// use task to execute multiple queries
const results = await db.task(async t => {
const current_user_results = await t.any(current_users);
const city_user_results = await t.any(city_users);
query1results: current_user_results,
query2results: city_user_results,
} catch (err) {
error: err,

Setting up your environment

Today we'll be using Docker Compose with a slightly modified configuration from lab 1.

In this lab, we will be using 2 containers, one for PostgreSQL and one for Node.js. If you need a refresher on the details of Docker Compose, please refer to lab 1.

1. In your repository, you will find a docker-compose.yaml file with the following contents:

image: postgres:14
env_file: .env
- '5432'
- lab-6-nodejs:/var/lib/postgresql/data
- ./init_data:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d

image: node:lts
user: 'node'
working_dir: /home/node/app
- NODE_ENV=development
- db
- '3000:3000'
- ./:/home/node/app
# This defines our volume(s), which will persist throughout startups.
# If you want to get rid of a hanging volume, e.g. to test your database init,
# run `docker-compose rm -v`. Note that this will remove ALL of your data, so
# be extra sure you've made a stable backup somewhere.

2. Set up .env file

Create a .env file in the root (lab6-nodejs-<your_username>) folder to store environment variables to setup postgres.

If you look at the connection object we set up for connecting to the database, you will notice the usage of process.env variables. The values for those environment variables are stored in this .env file. The values for these environment variables change depending on where the server is hosted. In lab 13, when we host the project website on the cloud, we will learn more about environments.

# database credentials

You should not commit this file to GitHub (it is in the .gitignore file, so this is automatic.)

3. Start the docker container with the docker-compose.yaml file:

docker-compose up -d


Nodemon is a tool that helps develop Node.js based applications by automatically restarting the node application when file changes in the directory are detected. nodemon does not require any additional changes to your code or method of development. nodemon is a replacement wrapper for node. To use nodemon, replace the word node on the command line when executing your script.


We have included nodemon in the package.json. The package.json file is a key part of any Node.js project and serves several important purposes. It contains metadata about the project, defines dependencies, and includes scripts for running various tasks.

"scripts": {
"start": "nodemon index.js"

If you are using a Windows/Linux OS and you see the following error:

nodemon: command not found

Then replace the "start" script in the package.json as shown below. Remember to replace <Github_Username> with your Username.

"scripts": {
"start": "./node_modules/nodemon/bin/nodemon.js lab6-nodejs-<Github_Username>"

If you find that nodemon is not able to detect your changes, add -L option to the the "start" script in the package.json as shown below.

"scripts": {
"start": "./node_modules/nodemon/bin/nodemon.js -L lab6-nodejs-<Github_Username>"


"scripts": {
"start": "nodemon -L index.js"

4. Shutting down containers

Now that we've learned how to start docker compose, let's cover how to shutdown the running containers. As long as you're still in the same directory, the command is as follows.

docker-compose down

5. Restarting Containers

For development purposes, it's often preferable to just restart the containers.

docker-compose up -d

And that's it!


How to check your docker logs?

Check this link out to debug your docker.

ER Diagram of the Hiking Database

We've set up the tables shown below and you can find the SQL for it in the create.sql file in the init_data folder. You are not required to import that file into the db container. In the docker-compose.yaml, we have already mapped the db container's volume to the init_data folder. When starting up, the db container will read the create.sql file and initialize the hiking database.



TAs will show you how to use the more commonly used features within Postman to make calls to API routes.

Later, you may refer to the appendix to recall the usage of the various features within Postman.

Implementing API routes and testing from Postman

NO GenAI usage

For this lab, we do not prescribe the usage of Gen AI tools. Please attempt this lab by yourself. If you choose to use Gen AI, follow the guidelines in the syllabus or from the GenAI section in Lab 1 to appropriately cite your usage. Failure to do so will result in a 0 on the entire lab.

In this section, you will

  1. Implement GET and PUT endpoints.
  2. Test them using the imported Postman collection.

Before we begin, let us first take a look at the provided code skeleton in index.js in the lab repository. The code is partitioned into 4 sections.

  • Section 1 : Add all the dependencies needed to build your application
  • Section 2 : Initialization (e.g Database connection)
  • Section 3 : Part B - You will work along on implementing an endpoint during the lab
  • Section 4 : Part C - You will add the implementation of 2 more endpoints.
  • Section 5 : Extra Credit
  • Section 6 : Keeping the server actively listening for client requests
// ************************************************
// Section 1 : Dependencies
// ************************************************

// importing the dependencies
// Express is a NodeJS framework that, among other features, allows us to create HTML templates.
const express = require('express');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const pgp = require('pg-promise')();

// ************************************************
// Section 2 : Initialization
// ************************************************

// defining the Express app
const app = express();
// using bodyParser to parse JSON in the request body into JS objects
// Database connection details
const dbConfig = {
host: 'db',
port: 5432,
database: process.env.POSTGRES_DB,
user: process.env.POSTGRES_USER,
password: process.env.POSTGRES_PASSWORD,
// Connect to database using the above details
const db = pgp(dbConfig);

// ************************************************
// Section 3 : Part B
// ************************************************

// Endpoint 1 : GET Endpoint Implementation (Default)
const message = 'Hey there!';
app.get('/', (req, res) => {

// Endpoint 2 : GET Endpoint Implementation
app.get('/getReviewsByTrailID', async (req, res) => {});

// Endpoint 3 : GET Endpoint Implementation
app.get('/getTop3Trails', async (req, res) => {});

// ************************************************
// Section 4 : Part C
// ************************************************

// Endpoint 4 : GET Endpoint Implementation
app.get('/getTrails', async (req, res) => {});

// Endpoint 5 : POST Endpoint Implementation'/addReview', async (req, res) => {});

// ************************************************
// Section 4 : Extra Credit
// ************************************************

// Endpoint 6 : PUT Endpoint Implementation
app.put('/updateReview', async (req, res) => {});

// Endpoint 7 : DELETE Endpoint Implementation
app.delete('/deleteReview', async (req, res) => {});

// ************************************************
// Section 6 : Keeping the server actively listening for client requests
// ************************************************
// starting the server and keeping the connection open to listen for more requests
app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('listening on port 3000');

Start server

To start the server, modify the command within the docker-compose.yaml file to

command: 'npm start'

Note that this server starts because nodemon executes the index.js file(Take a closer look at your package.json).

Start Docker Desktop and run the docker compose up -d command. This should have your server running in the background. The web and db containers should be running.


Please make sure you are familiar with the hiking database before you start implementing the endpoints. You can refer to the create.sql for the inputs for while calling the endpoint.

Endpoint 1 is the default endpoint. You don't need to implement it.


Make sure you don't modify any of the route paths in the provided file as they will be used for testing.

Endpoint 2: GET /getReviewsByTrailID

Step 1: Modify the GET API route function handler to show reviews for a selected trail based on trail_id.


TAs will work with you during the lab to implement this route and test with postman. More instructions and hints are provided in the index.js file.

Step 2: Test the route from Postman

Endpoint 3: GET /getTop3Trails

Step 1: Modify the GET API route function handler to return the top 3 trails in california based on rating and a 200 status code.

Step 2: Test the route from Postman

Part C

Endpoint 4: GET /getTrails

Step 1: Modify the GET API route function handler to allow users to search for different trails based on filters - difficulty and location. The request may contain any or both filters. The request may look as follows:

difficulty: 1,
location: null


difficulty: 1;

You need to parse the difficulty and convert it into strings - "easy" , "moderate", "difficult", "very_difficult". For example, difficulty = 1 needs to be converted into "easy", difficulty = 2 needs to be converted into "moderate", and so on. You can use either if-else statements or switch-case to accomplish the same.

Step 2: Test the route from Postman

Endpoint 5: POST /addReview

Step 1: Modify the POST API route function handler to add a new review. From the hiking_db schema, You can notice that we have separate tables for reviews and images and these are linked using mapping table i.e. reviews_to_images.

  1. The user should have the flexibilty of adding review with or without image details. Therefore your endpoint should be capable of handling both the scenarios.
  2. If the user provides image details along with review details, make sure you add an entry to reviews table, images table and also add mapping information to the reviews_to_images.
  3. For executing multiple queries, you can use db.task(). You can also refer to endpoint 2(Get User Details ("/getUserInfo")) defined in index.js in part_b_postman directory.
  4. The route should return Data added successfully message, review_id and image_id (If image details are provided by the user) and a 201 status code to the client after the review has been added to the database.
  5. Make sure save the response as we will using the review_id and image_id in next steps.

Step 2: Test the route from Postman

🎥Recording output
Once you are done will all the endpoint implementations,
1. Commit and push your updated index.js to the repository.
2. Commit and push the exported postman collection

Extra Credit

Endpoint 6: PUT /updateReview

Step 1: Modify the PUT API route function handler to allow a user to update a review they posted.

  1. The user should be able to change the text or update an image. When processing the request, the route should check if the user is sending new data for the text or a new image, or both, and accordingly update the appropriate tables.
  2. The user will be sending the review_id and image_id (You can use the review_id and image_id obtained from the previous POST request) when making this PUT request.
  3. The route should return Data updated successfully message and a 201 status code to the client after the review has been updated in the database.

You can refer this to learn if-else and Null check in javascript

Step 2: Test the route from Postman

Endpoint 7: DELETE /deleteReview

Step 1: Modify the DELETE API route function handler to allow an admin to delete a review. You can delete the review based on review_id or username or rating. The route should return a Data deleted successfully message and a 200 status code to the client after the review has been deleted from the database. Make sure that the corresponding entry from the reviews_to_images is also deleted.

Step 2: Test the route from Postman

🎥Recording output
Once you are done will all the endpoint implementations,
1. Commit and push your updated `index.js` to the repository
2. Commit and push the exported postman collection

Submission Guidelines

Commit and upload your changes

git add .
git commit -m "Added/Updated all files for lab 6"
git push

After you have run the commands given above, please navigate to your GitHub remote repository (on the browser) and check if the changes have been reflected. Once that is done, please submit a link to your repository on Canvas.

You will be graded on the files that were present before the deadline. If the files are missing/not updated by the deadline, you could receive a grade as low as 0. This will not be replaced as any new pushes to the repository after the deadline will be considered as a late submission and we do not accept late submissions. Please do not submit a regrade request for this.

Regrade Requests

Please use this link to raise a regrade request if you think you didn't receive a correct grade. If you received a lower than expected grade because of missing/not updated files, please do not submit a regrade request as they will not be considered for reevaluation.


PART A: Pre-Lab QuizComplete the Pre-Lab Quiz before your lab20
Part B: GET /getReviewsByTrailIDRoute is correctly implemented to view the reviews for a provided trail_id and request to it is included in the Postman collection.5
Part B: GET /getTop3TrailsRoute is correctly implemented to view top 3 trails in california based on rating and request to it is included in the Postman collection.6
Part C: GET /getTrailsRoute is correctly implemented to search for a trail based on filters and request to it is included in the Postman collection.5
Part C: POST /addReviewRoute is correctly implemented to be able to add a review and request to it is included in the Postman collection.6
Extra Credit: PUT and DELETE routesPUT /update_user: Route is correctly implemented to update a user review and request to it is included in the Postman collection.
DELETE /delete_user/:username: Route is correctly implemented to delete a review and request to it is included in the Postman collection.
In-class check-inYou showed your progress to a course staff20
Total Score100 + 15(EC)

Please refer to the individual sections for information on file names and content to be included in them.



Installation instructions for postman are here

Let's look at some useful features of Postman. The different buttons and tabs are numbered in the image below. You can find their usages and explanations below the image.


  1. New – This is where you will create a new request, collection or environment.
  2. Import – This is used to import a collection or environment. There are options such as import from file, folder, link or paste raw text.
  3. Runner – Automation tests can be executed through the Collection Runner. This will be discussed further in the next lesson.
  4. Open New – Open a new tab, Postman Window or Runner Window by clicking this button.
  5. My Workspace – You can create a new workspace individually or as a team.
  6. Invite – Collaborate on a workspace by inviting team members.
  7. History – Past requests that you have sent will be displayed in History. This makes it easy to track actions that you have done.
  8. Collections – Organize your test suite by creating collections. Each collection may have subfolders and multiple requests. A request or folder can also be duplicated as well.
  9. Request tab – This displays the title of the request you are working on. By default, “Untitled Request” would be displayed for requests without titles.
  10. HTTP Request – Clicking this would display a dropdown list of different requests such as GET, POST, COPY, DELETE, etc. In Postman API testing, the most commonly used requests are GET and POST.
  11. Request URL – Also known as an endpoint, this is where you will identify the link to where the API will communicate with.
  12. Save – If there are changes to a request, clicking save is a must so that new changes will not be lost or overwritten.
  13. Params – This is where you will write parameters needed for a request such as key values.
  14. Authorization – In order to access APIs, proper authorization is needed. It may be in the form of a username and password, bearer token, etc.
  15. Headers – You can set headers such as content type JSON depending on the needs of the organization.
  16. Body – This is where one can customize details in a request commonly used in POST request.
  17. Pre-request Script – These are scripts that will be executed before the request. Usually, pre-request scripts for the setting environment are used to ensure that tests will be run in the correct environment.
  18. Tests – These are scripts executed during the request. It is important to have tests as it sets up checkpoints to verify if response status is ok, retrieved data is as expected and other tests.

Testing routes from Postman

Creating Postman Requests

Here are the steps you need to follow to create GET, POST, PUT and DELETE requests in Postman for the corresponding endpoint implementations in index.js:

  1. Open Postman: Start by opening the Postman application.

  2. Create a New Request: Click on the "New" button in the top-left corner of the Postman window and select "Request".

  3. Enter Request Details: Give your request a name that describes what it does, like "GET Request for User Data".

  4. Choose Request Method: Under the request name, you'll see a dropdown menu labeled "GET". This is where you choose the HTTP method for your request. For a GET request, you don't need to change anything, as it's already selected by default.

  5. Enter Request URL: In the box next to the dropdown menu, enter the URL of the API endpoint you want to send the request to.

  6. Send the Request: You can use the Params tab below the request URL to add query parameters to a GET Request. Click on Params, then enter the parameter key and value. Once you've filled in all the necessary details, click the "Send" button to send the GET request.

  7. Repeat for POST, PUT, DELETE: To create requests for other HTTP methods, like POST, PUT and DELETE, follow the same steps as above, but make sure to select the appropriate method from the dropdown menu in step 4.

  8. Add Request Body (for POST and PUT): For POST and PUT requests, you may need to include a request body with data. You can do this by clicking on the "Body" tab below the request URL and selecting the format (e.g., JSON) and entering the data you want to send.

  9. Send the Request: Once you've filled in all the necessary details, click the "Send" button to send the request.

  10. Check Response: After sending the request, you'll see the response from the server in the lower part of the Postman window. Make sure to check the response to ensure that your request was successful.

That's it!

Exporting the Postman Collection to JSON

  1. Select Collection: In the sidebar on the left-hand side, click on the collection you want to export.

  2. Click on the Three Dots: In the top-right corner of the Postman window, you'll see three dots (ellipsis) indicating more options. Click on these dots.

  3. Choose "Export": From the dropdown menu that appears, select "Export".

  4. Select Export Format: Postman allows you to export collections in various formats. Choose "Collection v2".

  5. Save the File: After selecting the format as JSON, Postman will prompt you to save the exported collection file. Choose a location on your computer and save the file.

export_postman1 export_postman2

🎥Recording output
Rename the exported Postman Collection JSON file to lab-6-postman.json. You will include this in your submission for this lab.