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Lab 8: Web Services


In this lab, we will use REST APIs to create a web application to display data from the ticketmaster using handlebars.

To receive credit for this lab, you MUST show your progress to the TA during the lab, and push to github by the deadline. Please note that submissions will be due right before your respective lab sessions in the following week. For Example, If your lab is on this Friday 10 AM, the submission deadline will be next Friday 10 AM. There is a "NO LATE SUBMISSIONS" policy for labs.

Learning Objectives

L01. Understand basic authentication and session management in Node.js
L02. Learn to use external APIs to fetch data and populate your web application
L03. Combine your knowledge of Handlebars, Node.js, and Postgres to build your first functional web app from scratch

Part A

Pre-Lab Quiz


Ensure you thoroughly review the lab document prior to attempting the quiz, as it may include relevant questions.

Complete Pre-Lab quiz on Canvas before your section's lab time.

Part B

External APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) allow applications to interact with third-party services, enabling them to access data or functionalities provided by external systems. These APIs act as a bridge between applications, facilitating communication without the need for internal code or resources. For example, an API like Ticketmaster's lets developers fetch event data without building their own ticketing infrastructure. External APIs are helpful because they save time, reduce development effort, and enable integration with widely-used services like social media platforms, payment gateways, or data providers.

1. Create a Ticketmaster Developer Account

a. Create an account on Ticketmaster.

Fill out the form by entering your First Name, Last Name, Username. For the Company Name field, you can enter "University of Colorado Boulder". For Company Site URL, you can enter For E-mail address use your account. You can leave the Application URL and Phone Number fields empty.

Once you submit the form, you will receive a verification email in the inbox that includes a link that will allow you to set the password for your account.


b. Once that is successful, you can log into your account and you will be directed to your profile page. If you are revisiting this website later, and are already logged in, you can click on the profile icon on the top right, as shown below, to view this page.


c. Click on My Apps. You can see that there is an app created for you with a name "\<your_username>-App". When you click on that, you can find the API key in the 'Consumer Key' field. We'll be using that key to make calls to the Ticketmaster API.


d. Once you have your API key, convince yourself that you are able to use this key to get data from the ticketmaster server. Open up your postman and make a GET request to the appropriate URL.


Clone your GitHub repository

You need to accept the invite to the GitHub classroom assignment to get a repository.

Github Classroom Assignment
For the next two steps, make sure to edit the name of the repository after the copying the command into your terminal.
git clone<YOUR_USER_NAME>.git

Navigate to the repository on your system.

cd lab-8-web-services-<YOUR_USER_NAME>

2. Directory structure

At the end of this lab, your directory structure should be as follows:

|--<...other packages>

You don't need to create node_modules package, it'll be created once you start the docker containers.

3. Initializing Database

We'll now initialize the database for this project. This database will contain only one table.

Update the create.sql file in the init_data folder with a create query to create a users table with the following column names and datatypes:

Column NamesDatatypes
passwordCHAR(60) NOT NULL

When you initialize the db docker container, the tables in the users_db database will be created from this file. For reference, you can take a look at how the tables were initialized in lab-7-templating create.sql file.

4. Setting up your environment

In this lab, like in the previous lab, we will be using 2 containers, one for PostgreSQL and one for Node.js. If you need a refresher on the details of Docker Compose, please refer to lab 1.

1. Navigate to the lab-8-web-services folder

We have updated the configuration of the db container for this lab. Navigate to the lab-8-web-services folder in the terminal. Copy the configuration shown in the code block into your docker-compose.yaml file within that folder.

version: '3.9'
image: postgres:14
env_file: .env
- '5432'
- lab-08-web-services:/var/lib/postgresql/data
- ./init_data:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
image: node:lts
user: 'node'
working_dir: /home/node/app
env_file: .env
- NODE_ENV=development
- db
- '3000:3000'
- ./:/home/node/app
command: 'npm start'
# This defines our volume(s), which will persist throughout startups.
# If you want to get rid of a hanging volume, e.g. to test your database init,
# run `docker-compose rm -v`. Note that this will remove ALL of your data, so
# be extra sure you've made a stable backup somewhere.

2. Set up .env file

We have provided to you an .env file with the following configuration. Make sure to replace the value for the API_KEY with the key that was generated at the end of Part B #1.

# database credentials

# Node vars
SESSION_SECRET="super duper secret!"
API_KEY="<ticketmaster key you just created>"

3. Starting Docker Compose

Now that we've configured the docker-compose.yaml and .env files, starting docker compose is quite simple.

docker compose up

We have included nodemon in the package.json.

"scripts": {
"start": "nodemon index.js"

If you are using a Windows/Linux OS and you see the following error:

nodemon: command not found

Then replace the "start" script in the package.json as shown below. Remember to replace <Github_Username> with your Username.

"scripts": {
"start": "./node_modules/nodemon/bin/nodemon.js lab-8-web-services-<Github_Username>"

If you find that nodemon is not able to detect your changes, add -L option to the the "start" script in the package.json as shown below.

"scripts": {
"start": "./node_modules/nodemon/bin/nodemon.js -L lab-8-web-services-<Github_Username>"


"scripts": {
"start": "nodemon -L index.js"

4. Shutting down containers

Now that we've learned how to start docker compose, let's cover how to shutdown the running containers. As long as you're still in the same directory, the command is as shown below. The -v flag ensures that the volume(s) that are created for the containers are removed along with the containers. In this lab, you need to use the -v flag only if you want to reinitialize your database with an updated create.sql. Otherwise, you are not required to do so.

docker compose down --volumes

5. Restarting Containers

For development purposes, it's often required to restart the containers, especially if you make changes to your initialization files. In this lab, we will be making changes to the index.js file and each time you make a change, you should restart your containers so the updates in the index.js is reflected in the web container.

docker compose down
docker compose up

How to check your docker logs?

Check this guide out to debug your docker.

5. Code Skeleton

We have provided to you an index.js file in your directory. Update it with the following code skeleton. The code is partitioned into 5 sections.

  • Section 1: Import the necessary dependencies. Remember to check what each dependency does.
  • Section 2: Connect to DB: Initialize a dbConfig variable that specifies the connection information for the database. The variables in the .env file can be accessed by using process.env.POSTGRES_DB, process.env.POSTGRES_USER, process.env.POSTGRES_PASSWORD and process.env.API_KEY.
  • Section 3: App Settings
  • Section 4: This is where you will add the implementation for all your API routes
  • Section 5: Starting the server and keeping it active.
// *****************************************************
// <!-- Section 1 : Import Dependencies -->
// *****************************************************

const express = require('express'); // To build an application server or API
const app = express();
const handlebars = require('express-handlebars');
const Handlebars = require('handlebars');
const path = require('path');
const pgp = require('pg-promise')(); // To connect to the Postgres DB from the node server
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const session = require('express-session'); // To set the session object. To store or access session data, use the `req.session`, which is (generally) serialized as JSON by the store.
const bcrypt = require('bcryptjs'); // To hash passwords
const axios = require('axios'); // To make HTTP requests from our server. We'll learn more about it in Part C.

// *****************************************************
// <!-- Section 2 : Connect to DB -->
// *****************************************************

// create `ExpressHandlebars` instance and configure the layouts and partials dir.
const hbs = handlebars.create({
extname: 'hbs',
layoutsDir: __dirname + '/views/layouts',
partialsDir: __dirname + '/views/partials',

// database configuration
const dbConfig = {
host: 'db', // the database server
port: 5432, // the database port
database: process.env.POSTGRES_DB, // the database name
user: process.env.POSTGRES_USER, // the user account to connect with
password: process.env.POSTGRES_PASSWORD, // the password of the user account

const db = pgp(dbConfig);

// test your database
.then(obj => {
console.log('Database connection successful'); // you can view this message in the docker compose logs
obj.done(); // success, release the connection;
.catch(error => {
console.log('ERROR:', error.message || error);

// *****************************************************
// <!-- Section 3 : App Settings -->
// *****************************************************

// Register `hbs` as our view engine using its bound `engine()` function.
app.engine('hbs', hbs.engine);
app.set('view engine', 'hbs');
app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, 'views'));
app.use(bodyParser.json()); // specify the usage of JSON for parsing request body.

// initialize session variables
secret: process.env.SESSION_SECRET,
saveUninitialized: false,
resave: false,

extended: true,

// *****************************************************
// <!-- Section 4 : API Routes -->
// *****************************************************

// TODO - Include your API routes here

// *****************************************************
// <!-- Section 5 : Start Server-->
// *****************************************************
// starting the server and keeping the connection open to listen for more requests
console.log('Server is listening on port 3000');

Let's add our first route.

Route: /

  • Method: GET
  • API Route: /
  • Response: The / API should redirect to /login endpoint. This route should ideally render a home page. However, since we are not expecting you to create one for this lab, you can redirect the request to /login. To redirect to another route in the API you can use res.redirect().


app.get('/', (req, res) => {
res.redirect('/anotherRoute'); //this will call the /anotherRoute route in the API

app.get('/anotherRoute', (req, res) => {
//do something

6. Partials

A partial is a fragment of a webpage's html, meaning it is not a complete webpage that could be rendered by a browser. Instead, we create re-usable components of our webpage which makes it easier to maintain our website's code. Updating a partial like one that has the markup for a navigation bar will update it across your entire website without having to update each individual page.

Recall that in handlebars, we include partial in a .hbs file using the syntax:

{{> myPartial}}

For this lab, we will create five partials. We will be re-using these partials to create our web pages.

A. title.hbs (TODO)

Copy the markup as shown in the code block below to /views/partials/title.hbs.

{{#if first_name}}
<title> {{first_name}} - CSCI 3308 Lab 8 </title>
<title> CSCI 3308 Lab 8 </title>

B. head.hbs (TODO)

The head will include all of the markup that is placed at the top of a HTML webpage. These would be the css references, metadata and title.

  1. Copy the markup as shown in the code block below to /views/partials/head.hbs.
  2. Complete the TODOs in the code. Checkout Handlebars Partials
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" class="h-100">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no"
<meta name="description" content="" />

<!-- TODO: Include the `title` partial here -->

<link href="" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-QWTKZyjpPEjISv5WaRU9OFeRpok6YctnYmDr5pNlyT2bRjXh0JMhjY6hW+ALEwIH" crossorigin="anonymous">

<body class="h-100 d-flex flex-column">

C. nav.hbs (TODO)

The menu will include the navigation bar. This will contain the links to all the pages.

  1. Copy the markup as shown in the code block below to /views/partials/nav.hbs.
  2. Discover - Add a <a> tag with class attribute set to nav-link and the href attribute set to call the /discover API. This API navigates to the ‘Discover’ page if logged in.
  3. Logout - Add a <a> tag with class attribute set to nav-link and the href attribute set to call the /logout API that navigates to the login page.
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-sm border-bottom">
<div class="container">
class="navbar-toggler ms-auto"
aria-label="Toggle navigation">
<span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span>
<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbar-collapse">
<ul class="navbar-nav me-auto">
<li class="nav-item">
<!-- TODO: For Discover, add a <a> tag with an attribute href to call the '/discover' API -->
<div class="nav-item me-1">
<!-- TODO: For Logout, add a <a> tag with an attribute href to call the '/logout API -->

D. footer.hbs (TODO)

The footer partial includes all the javascript files & the closing code for our webpage's HTML.

  1. Copy the markup as shown in the code block below.
  2. Add the <script> tag to include the bootstrap javascript library.
<footer class="text-center text-muted w-100 mt-auto fixed-bottom">
<!-- TODO: Add the <script><script /> tag to include bootstrap javascript -->
&copy; Copyright 2024 : CSCI 3308 - Lab 8 Web Services

E. message.hbs (TODO)

In the previous lab, we added the message component in our website to view the errors/warnings/info/success messages. Here, let's create a partial to include that in the hbs pages.

  1. Copy the markup as shown in the code block below to /views/partials/message.hbs.
  2. This will be used in login.hbs and discover.hbs. Make sure to include this partial in these pages to send messages to the users.
  3. This will be used in login.hbs, discover.hbs and logout.hbs. Make sure to include this partial in these pages to send messages to the users.
{{#if message}}
<div class="alert alert-{{#if error}}danger{{else}}success{{/if}}" role="alert">
{{ message }}

7. Layouts

Now lets tie these pieces to the actual webpages, in the views/layouts/main.hbs which will import the above partials ( head, nav, footer ) and help build a complete webpage.

main.hbs (TODO)

For this lab, we will include the partials in the main.hbs pages and we will use this outline for the pages that we will create for this lab. The main content of the upcoming webpages will be rendered by the {{body}}

<!-- TODO: Add the head.hbs partial here -->
<!-- TODO: Add the nav.hbs partial here -->
<!-- TODO: Add the footer.hbs partial here -->

Refer to B.6 to see how to include partials in a page.

Now its time to create the webpages and the API routes. In class, we will be implementing the registration and login functionalities for our website.

8. Registration

A. UI - register.hbs

We're recommending a simple registration form with only 2 fields since we do not intend to use the additional information a user may enter in a registration form. If you choose to add more fields in this form, you can. Make sure to update the schema for the users table and the insert statement when registering users.

To Do: In this page you will be creating a HTML form that takes two input fields: username and password.

i. For username input field, set the name attribute to be username, and for the password input field, set the name attribute to be password. The input fields are identified by their name attribute in the request object sent to the server.

ii. In the form element, set the action attribute to be /register and method attribute to be POST. When the form is submitted by clicking the submit button, it will trigger a call to the POST /register route.

The register page would resemble:


B. Javascript - API Routes for Register in index.js

In your index.js file, create the following routes.

a. Route: /register

  • Method: GET
  • API Route: /register
  • Response: Render register.hbs page.

Here is an example of how you can render hbs pages from the server:

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
res.render('pages/home',{<JSON data required to render the page, if applicable>})

Note: To render the register page, you will not need to send any JSON data.

b. Route: /register


Before we get into building this route, let's look at what async/await is.


Why do we use async/await?

Node.js is an asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime and is the most effective when building scalable network applications. Node.js is free of locks, so there’s no chance to dead-lock any process.


Asynchrony, in software programming, refers to events that occur outside of the primary program flow and methods for dealing with them. External events such as signals or activities prompted by a program that occur at the same time as program execution without causing the program to block and wait for results are examples of this category. Asynchronous input/output is an example of the latter case, and allows programs to issue commands to storage or network devices that can process these requests while the processor continues executing.


In an async, you can await any Promise or catch its rejection cause. In ECMAScript 2017, the async and await keywords were introduced. These features make writing asynchronous code easier and more readable in the long run. They aid in the transition from asynchronicity to synchronism by making it appear more like classic synchronous code, so they’re well worth learning.



To get more information on different syntax and applications of async/await, you can reference this article


Lets take the following code snippet to understand aync/await.

const foo = async (req, res) => {
let response = await request.get('http://localhost:3000');
if (response.err) {
} else {
console.log('fetched response');

Here, the await keyword waits for the asynchronous action(request.get()) to finish before continuing the function. It’s like a ‘pause until done’ keyword. The await keyword is used to get a value from a function where you would normally use .then(). Instead of calling .then() after the asynchronous function, you would simply assign a variable to the result using await. Then you can use the result in your code as you would in your synchronous code.

Now that we understand how async and await works, let's build the route.

  • Method: POST
  • API Route: /register
  • Input: username, password
  • Functionality:
    • Hash the password
    • Insert username and the hashed password into the users table.
  • Response:
    • Redirect to GET /login route page after data has been inserted successfully.
    • If the insert fails, redirect to GET /register route.

Notice how the following creates an async function.

// Register'/register', async (req, res) => {
//hash the password using bcrypt library
const hash = await bcrypt.hash(req.body.password, 10);

// To-DO: Insert username and hashed password into the 'users' table

9. Login

A. UI - login.hbs

To Do:​

  1. In this login.hbs page you will be creating a HTML form that takes two input fields: username and password. For username input field, set the name attribute to be username, and for the password input field, set the name attribute to be password. The input fields are identified by their name attribute in the request object sent to the server. In the form element, set the action attribute to be /login and method attribute to be POST. When the form is submitted by clicking the submit button, it will trigger a call to the POST /login route.
  2. Add a button of the type submit. The text on the button should be 'Login'.
  3. Additionally, if you would like to, you can add text to redirect unregistered users to the registration page. This is NOT required.

The login page would resemble the following:


B. Javascript - API routes for Login in index.js

In your index.js file, create the following routes.

a. Route: /login

  • Method: GET
  • API Route: /login
  • Response: Render login.hbs page.

b. Route: /login

  • Method: POST

  • API Route: /login

  • Input: username and password from the UI form.

  • Functionality:

    • Find the user from the users table where the username is the same as the one entered by the user.
    • Use to encrypt the password entered from the user and compare if the entered password is the same as the registered one. This function returns a boolean value.
    // check if password from request matches with password in DB
    const match = await, user.password);
    • If the password is incorrect, render the login page and send a message to the user stating "Incorrect username or password.".
    • Else, save the user in the session variable.
    //save user details in session like in lab 7
    req.session.user = user;;
  • Response:

    • If the user is found, redirect to /discover route after setting the session.
    • If the user is not found in the table, redirect to GET /register route.
    • If the user exists and the password doesn't match in the database, send an appropriate message to the user and render the login.hbs page.

You would need to include the message.hbs partial in the login.hbs page to send messages.

Authentication middleware

To view the Discover page which you will be building in Part C, the session variable should have been set. In the below code block, we're setting a middleware to authenticate. This will bring up the login page if the session variable isn't set.

// Authentication Middleware.
const auth = (req, res, next) => {
if (!req.session.user) {
// Default to login page.
return res.redirect('/login');

// Authentication Required

If the middleware is not set before the discover and logout APIs are implemented, the session variables won't be set correctly. Please make sure to implement the middleware before moving on to the implementation of discover and logout APIs.

Part C

1. Discover

A. UI - discover.hbs

To Do:​

  1. In the discover.hbs page, use a grid to display at least 10 events on the page. These events can be displayed as rows in a table OR as a row of cards. If you like, you can use your Lab 3 - Hobbies page as reference.

    If you choose to use bootstrap cards to display the events, you could use row and cols bootstrap classes and implement iterative logic to display multiple cards across multiple rows.

  2. Each event should have - Name, image (if it doesn't have the image in the response, use a default image of your choice), date and time and a 'Book Now' button that has an anchor tag to the booking url.

B. Javascript - API route for Discover in index.js

a. Route: /discover

  • Method: GET
  • API Route: /discover
  • Functionality: Within this route, we will make an API call with axios to the Ticketmaster API using the API_KEY added in the session variable and store the data received in results variable. You can decide on a keyword of your choosing to filter the search and test if the API is working. Note: You are not required to take this as a user input.
  • Response:
    • Render discover.hbs with the results from the API.
    • If the API call fails, render pages/discover with an empty results array results: [] and the error message.

You would need to include the message.hbs partial in the discover.hbs page to send messages.


Axios is a promise-based lightweight HTTP client that enables us to make GET and POST requests to different web services, given a URL. It offers different ways of making requests such as GET, POST, PUT/PATCH, and DELETE. By default, Axios transforms the response object to JSON. You can find out more about axios.


There is a limit of 5000 requests that you can make to the Ticketmaster. So please use them carefully.

To make an axios call, here's the syntax:

url: ``,
method: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
headers: {
'Accept-Encoding': 'application/json',
params: {
apikey: process.env.API_KEY,
keyword: '<any artist>', //you can choose any artist/event here
size: <number of search results> // you can choose the number of events you would like to return
.then(results => {
console.log(; // the results will be displayed on the terminal if the docker containers are running // Send some parameters
.catch(error => {
// Handle errors

Ticketmaster API Response

For explanation on the response object, visit this link.

You can also view the response object on your terminal if you have run docker-compose up. Spend some time exploring the response object as you will need to access the data from there to display to the users on the UI.

2. Logout

A. UI - logout.hbs

This page should show up when logout on the navbar is clicked. This page would have a simple HTML container with a heading stating that the logout was successful.

Output: Here is what your Logout page would look like:


B. Javascript - API route for Logout in index.js

a. Route: /logout

  • Method: GET
  • API Route: /logout
  • Functionality: Destroys the session.
  • Response: Render pages/logout and send a 'Logged out Successfully' message.

    You would need to include the message.hbs partial in the logout.hbs page to send messages. You can use req.session.destroy() to destroy a session variable.

Submission Guidelines

Commit and upload your changes

Run the following commands inside your root git directory (in your lab-8-web-service-<username> folder).

git add .
git commit -m "Add endpoint routes, handlebars partials, and pages for Lab 8"
git push

Once you have run the commands given above, please navigate to your GitHub remote repository (on the browser) and check if the changes have been reflected.

You will be graded on the files that were present before the deadline. If the files are missing/not updated, you could receive a grade as low as 0. This will not be replaced as any new pushes to the repository after the deadline will be considered as a late submission and we do not accept late submissions.

Regrade Requests

Please use this link to raise a regrade request if you think you didn't receive a correct grade. If you received a lower than expected grade because of missing/not updated files, please do not submit a regrade request as they will not be considered for reevaluation.


Part A - Lab QuizComplete the Pre-Lab Quiz before your lab20
PART B: Initialize DatabaseCreate.sql in the init_data folder has the correct schema for users table5
PART B: Login- Created login page.
- Typing localhost:3000/ or localhost:3000/login in the address bar of the web browser redirects to login page.
- Allows users to login with the appropriate credentials
PART B: Registration- Created register page.
- Typing localhost:3000/register in the address bar of the web browser redirects to register page.
- Allows the addition of a new user
PART C: Discover- Created discover page.
- Clicking on the discover link in the nav bar redirects to discover page
- Typing localhost:3000/discover in the address bar of the web browser redirects to discover page.
- Successfully makes API call and redirects to discover page with appropriate results
PART C: Logout- Created logout page.
- Clicking on the logout link in the nav bar redirects to logout page
- Typing localhost:3000/logout in the address bar of the web browser redirects to logout page. page
In class check-inYou showed your progress to the TA or CM.20